

What Is Counselling?

Infertility can be a draining, daunting journey, leaving you with fewer emotional, financial and physical resources than you’d like. While it is essential to build an adequate support system around you and confide in those close to you, a trained counsellor can lead you and your partner through a labyrinth of emotions and thoughts, helping you arrive at an outcome suitable for both of you. The counsellors on Hari Fertility Centre employ an array of psychotherapies while working with guests, tailoring their methods in line with individual backgrounds and goals.

Why Choose Counselling?

Counselling can help you rise above your insecurities, fears and setbacks, and set you on a new path of wholeness, healing and growth.

Private & Personal

Our counselling sessions are exclusive, confidential and private, and are designed to give you and your partner the space you need to air your thoughts.

Uninterrupted Sessions

Seamless and immersive, our sessions are free of interruptions and distractions.

What Are the Steps of Counselling?

On Hari Fertility Centre, a counselling programme is spread across three fundamental steps of your fertility journey.

1 Day of Fertility Recommendation

Your counselling programme opens with an introductory session soon after your doctor has proposed a fertility recommendation to you. Your counsellor will highlight the road ahead and let you in on what to expect over the next few months.

2 Day of Ovum Pickup

If you’ve opted for an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) routine, the day of your ovum pickup will culminate in your second counselling session. This session will work as a sounding board for your thoughts as you embark on your new adventure. You will also be guided through the road ahead.

3 Day of Embryo Transfer

Soon after your embryo transfer routine is complete, you will be drawn in for a discussion with your counsellor about the odds of implantation and conception. Your counsellor will prepare you for the days until your first ultrasound and help you manage your fears, doubts and anxiety. À la carte counselling sessions beyond the purview of this fertility framework can be opted for. Reach out to your Hari Fertility Centre Companion for more details.

What Are the Risks of Counselling?

None at all! Unlike a medical intervention, counselling is a mental, spiritual and emotional process that can transform the way you perceive your life’s plan. On Hari Fertility Centre, we advise every couple undergoing fertility treatments to seek counselling along their path to pregnancy.