Sperm Donation

Sperm Donation

What Is Sperm Donation?

Sperm donation on Hari Fertility Centre is a superlative programme that grants couples a path to pregnancy by employing third-party sperm. As per guidelines laid out by the Indian Council of Medical Research, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) centres in India are not allowed to establish independent sperm banks. IVF centres thus partner with recognised sperm banks for sperm donation programmes. On Hari Fertility Centre, sperm donation follows a careful process. Potential candidates undergo rigorous screening for infections and genetic disorders before being approved as donors. A sperm donor is matched based on blood group and physical conformity to the male partner. A donor and a recipient remain anonymous to each other through the programme and beyond. Also, at the outset, a contract-cum-consent form must be signed by the donor and the recipient.

Why Choose Sperm Donation?

Sperm donation is an advisable route for couples struggling with male infertility. There is a range of reasons that a sperm donation programme may be advocated.


Donor and recipient profiles remain confidential and anonymous through a donor programme, protecting your identity, and theirs, at every stage.

Physical Conformity

The donor match process is a meticulous, methodical process that seeks to link a donor and a recipient based on physical likening.

Is Sperm Donation Right for Me?

Seeking donated sperm may be a worthwhile route if your semen samples have returned absent or poor quality sperm. Typically, sperm donation is preceded by a range of other fertility interventions such as percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration and testicular sperm aspiration. When such methods do not produce favourable outcomes, your doctor may encourage you to seek a sperm donation programme. You may also be suited to opt for donated sperm if you intend on becoming a single parent or if you hold a genetic predisposition to certain medical conditions.

What Are the Steps of Sperm Donation?

Hari Fertility Centre partners with a network of assisted reproductive technology banks for its sperm donation programme. A typical sperm donation programme follows the steps outlined below.

1 Donor Selection

Once you opt for a sperm donation programme, Hari Fertility Centre alerts its partner bank to release a suitable sample based on predetermined clinical and physical criteria.

2 Fertilisation

Procured sperm may be released directly into the uterus via intrauterine insemination (IUI) or used in an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedure. In the latter case, an embryo is placed inside the uterus a few days after fertilisation.

What Are the Risks of Sperm Donation?

Sperm donation is a relatively straightforward and simple process. However, seeking donor sperm through a reputed hospital is imperative in achieving a healthy pregnancy.