Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) & Tubal Evaluation

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) & Tubal Evaluation

What Is a Hysterosalpingogram?

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a simple radiological technique that is used to undertake a tubal evaluation by assessing the shape and size of the uterine cavity and the patency of the fallopian tubes. It begins with the infusion of an opaque dye into the cervical canal via an instrument. This dye eventually permeates into the uterus and the fallopian tubes, accentuating blockages in the fallopian tubes by staying concentrated in a specific region. The procedure is usually undertaken in the window between the sixth and tenth day of the menstrual cycle.

Why Choose a Hysterosalpingogram?

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is commonly performed to examine women for whom natural conception is proving to be a challenge.

Patency of Fallopian Tubes

Through an HSG, your doctor can view the structure of your uterus, and also explore the patency of your fallopian tubes. If there is any tubal obstruction or uterine scarring, your fertility consultant will design a suitable treatment solution for you, to augment your chances of conceiving a baby.

Recurrent Miscarriages

If you have experienced repeated miscarriages, it is possible that they have been caused by inherent or acquired inconsistencies of the uterus. An HSG can help in ascertaining the presence of tumours, adhesions and fibroids, which are all hindrances to fertility.

Is a Hysterosalpingogram Right for Me?

If you have been experiencing difficulty conceiving, it is possible that your body may be telling you something. For some women, infertility is caused by a tubal blockage, meaning that a fresh egg can never make its way down the fallopian tube. Thus, the egg stops short of reaching the uterus, ending its chances of meeting a potential sperm. A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) can determine whether a tubal blockage exists, and if so, how you can overcome it.

What Are the Steps of a Hysterosalpingogram?

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a smooth and short procedure that usually lasts no longer than half an hour.

1 Cannula Placement

To begin with, a small cylindrical tool, called a speculum, is gently inserted into the vagina to dilate it. Then, a cannula is placed inside the cervical canal.

2 Release of Contrast Dye

Once the cannula is in place, the speculum is removed, and a fluoroscopy camera is activated. Slowly, a contrast dye is released through the catheter into the vaginal canal. The dye then glides up to the uterine cavity, fallopian tubes and peritoneal cavity.

3 Digital Imagery

The dye projects a deep contrast to the light-hued organs in the abdominal cavity. Fluoroscopic images of the abdominal region are then captured digitally for examination. If your doctor detects an abnormality, your procedure may be extended so that a delayed image of the spread can be taken. Based on the problem, your fertility consultant will suggest a tailor-made treatment for you.

What Are the Risks of a Hysterosalpingogram?

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) procedure presents minor risks, although the merits of the routine outbalance the drawbacks.

Exposure to Radiation

There are theories that prolonged periods of radiation can act as a catalyst for cancer. However, on Hari Fertility Centre, our HSG routines are gentle and measured, allowing for a diagnosis while keeping the risk of radiation at bay.

Exacerbation of Infections

If you have previously been diagnosed with a pelvic inflammatory disorder or a sexually transmitted disease, an HSG could exacerbate your condition. Be sure to detail your medical history to your fertility specialist, so that a customised treatment plan can be drawn out for you.